Monday, January 31, 2005

The Four Observers

This Astronomy parody based upon the Four Yorkshiremen skit of Monty Python fame, made me laugh my ass off!

Evidently, I just purchased a Halley's comet era schmidt-cassegrain Celestron complete with 6x30 finder!

Anyway, here is the "modified" skit, penned by Attilla Danko, the creator of the Clear Sky Maps linked at the bottom of this page.

Enjoy it! I sure did. (ROTFLMAO)

The Four Observers

Mike: Ahh.. Very passable, this, very passable.
Richard: Nothing like a 18" goto Starmaster, eh?
Roland: You're right there, Ricardo.
Matt: Who'd a thought thirty years ago we'd all be observing with an binoviewered 18" computer controlled scope in a luxurious roll-off roof observatory big enough for a whole star party.
Mike: Aye. In them days, we'd a' been glad to have a schmidt cassegrain.
Richard: A Halley's-comet era Celestron
Matt: Without a tripod.
Roland: OR or a drive.
Mike: 30mm finder, and all.
Matt: We never had a finder. We used to sight along a seam in the tube.
Richard: The best WE could manage was to sweep at random with 25mm Kellner.
Roland: But you know, we were happy in those days, though we had crappy gear.
Mike: Aye. BECAUSE we had crappy gear. My old Dad used to say to me, "Its not the scope, its the observer."
Matt: 'E was right. I was happier then and I didnt have telrad. We had this tiny observatory with with greaaaaat big holes in the roof.
Richard: Observatory? You were lucky to have an Observatory! We used to observe on the porch, all twenty-six of us, no dome slit. Half the sky was missing and we were all huddled together in one corner just to see down to 35 degrees!
Roland: You were lucky to have a PORCH! We used to have to climb the fire escape to the roof.
Mike: Ohhhh we used to DREAM of of fire escapes to the roof! Woulda' been a Kitt Peak to us!. We used to observe out the bathroom window of a downtown apartment. In the winter, the escaping warm air would cause airy disks to bloat to 20 arcseconds. Observatory. Hmph.
Matt: Well when I say "Observatory" it was only a garden shed with the
door open, but it was an observatory to US.
Richard: We were evicted from our garden shed; we had to go and observe in a sodium-vapor lit hocky rink.
Roland: You were lucky to have a RINK! There were a hundred and fifty of us observing in a cardboard box in the middle of the 417.
Mike: Cardboard box?
Roland: Aye.
Mike: You were lucky. We observed for thee months in the nude in a swamp. We used to have to setup at six in the morning, hack down the bullrushes, drain the swamp, sink the tripods four feet into the muck, collimate for 14 hours, just for a couple of hours of observing. And when we got home our SO would complain about how much we spent on telescopes.
Richard: Luxury! We used to have to set up in the swamp at six in the morning, drain the swamp, cut down trees, scrape mosquitos off of our optical surfaces, sink the tripods 6 feet into the muck, collimate for 16 hours. And we we got home, our wives would sell our telescopes, if we were LUKCY!
Roland: Well of course, we had it tough. We used to have to get set up the previous night, drain the swamp by bailing with our OTAs, re-aluminize our mirrors, and collimate 32 different optical surfaces for 20 hours. And when we got home our SO would accuse us of having sexual relations with a paracorr and divorce us.
Matt: Right ... I had to walk to the swamp, which was uphill both ways, carrying 300 pounds of gear, set up at ten at night, half an hour before I packed up, sop up the swamp with my only copy of Uranometria, pay for parking!, melt sand into glass, sift more sand into abrasives, chew pine trees to make pitch, grind 12 mirrors, collimate for 36 hours, observe with a 1mm eyerelief tasco eyepiece for 3 minutes under a limiting magnitude of -26 in heavy snow showers, and when we got home our SO would spit on our Naglers and run off the editor of Sky&Tel.
Mike: And you try and tell the young observers today that...and they won't believe ya'.
All: They won't..

Credits: Monty Python and Attilla Danko

Sunday, January 30, 2005

Please lord, part thyne clouds so I might peer at the heavens

My new telescope arrived!!!!

But the skies are overcast......sob ;-)

Yes, my first serious amateur telescope! It's a Celestron C8 advanced series with starbright XLT coatings and a german equatorial CG-5 mount. this model to be exact. I also got a set of eyepieces and filters (including a light pollution filter) and an adapter for my Cannon Powershot G1. Not the best astrophotography camera, but something to get my feet wet with. You can look forward to seeing my lousy amateur astrophotographs here soon!

I got my first telescope when I was in grade 4 (about 7-8 years old) A 3" newtonian reflector. It was fun for looking at the moon, but not much else (looking at the neighbors). I use to go to star parties with the high schools Astronomy Society where one or two members had some nice scopes (this was back in the 70's). Well, things have changed a a lot in the intervening years. We now have computerized go-to scopes that (once properly aligned) will find most any object in the sky that you want with a press of the button. Tracking celestial objects is much easier now too.

Indeed I have been reading up on the Madison Astronomical Society and think I will join them to share and learn. The cool thing is they have their own dark sky observatory, the Yanna Research Station complete with two 12" LX200's and 17" Coulter-Dobsonian telescopes, a heated (and air conditioned) clubhouse, monthly events, and by the looks of it, some very knowledgeable members (the most important thing).

I added some clear sky maps at the bottom of the page for Madison and the Yanna Research Station (largely for my own convienience). If you are into astronomical observing at all, the Clear Sky maps are an invaluable tool. Just click on one to go to the website and discover all the other info they provide, including e-mail alerts for good viewing conditions. Very cool and useful website.

I sure hope I get to use my scope soon! I'm really looking forward to spending some evenings rediscovering the heavens.

Thursday, January 20, 2005

Wow What a Week!

It began with a building excitement among our space enthusiast community, centered upon the Internet Relay Chat channel #space on About 40 of the regulars were hanging out on the channel preparing to watch the NASA TV coverage of the historic Cassini-Huygens mission, a joint NASA/European Space Agency/Itallian Space Agency mission that would send the Huygens probe to land on the surface of the moon Titan orbiting Saturn.

Titan is of outstanding scientific interest since since it is the one object in the solar system believed to be similar to the early earth in having a thick atmosphere composed of nitrogen, methane, other organics and it also has a lot of frozen water on it surface. As the Huygens probe would parachute down to the surface, it would collect a lot of data on the atmosphere (what compounds are present, pressure, temp, wind speeds etc and it would capture ~750 triplet images (three cameras at different angles/magnifications) with the Descent Imager - Spectral Radiometer designed by researchers at the University of Arizona. From these low resolution images, larger mosaic images can be created that would hopefully give a good look at what the surface of titan would look like. Also the cameras would continue to take pictures once it landed to see what the surface looks like.

As part of our space enthusiasm, we also try to get the public excited about these space science missions and often submit stories on Slashdot, the "News for Nerds - Stuff that Matters" community of millions of geeks. Sure enough, a story about the Huygens mission appeared, and I decided to post a comment to the story inviting people into our channel to discuss the mission in real time as it happened. The comment was rapidly moderated up, and before we knew it, we had 250 people in our channel!

Well, the mission was a spectacular success! The probe landed and transmitted back nearly all of it's science payload. Congrats to the ESA, NASA, ISA, JPL and the University of Arizona!

The first press conference only showed three of the ~350 images that had been returned. Those images showed the view of rocks/ice boulders at the surface and what appeared to be a shoreline with clear evidence of channels that might have been formed by liquid methane flows. It was very exciting, but we wanted more.

A couple hours later, the raw images were posted on the net and everyone in the channel started pouring over them. As several channel regulars, and a few of the visitors, were experienced hobbyists at image processing, people immediately began trying to stitch the images together into mosaics to get a better picture of the surface of titan. Over the next 8 hours or so, members of the channel exchanged their latest creations. Anthony Liekens started collecting the images and posting them to his website so that we would have a communal place to share the images, improve them, and later, share them with others.

Then a new story was submitted to Slashdot announcing the success of the mission, and also linking to Anthony Liekens collection of mosaics built by our community. Sure enough, he was now getting slashdotted. From slashdot lots of others picked up the story including:

SpaceRef and their affiliated sites like
The Planetary Society
A prominent Astronomy site from Checheslovakia
We even made it on a popular Conspiracy Theory Site
Spiegel Online (Babelfish Translated)
Heise Online (Google translated)
Folha Online (brazil)
Nature Magazine
New Scientist
the Discovery Channel

As well as countless other sites (more to come I'm sure). The current list of linking sites can be found in the web server logs from Anthony Liekens Site. Interestingly, the site that drew by far the most traffic to the page, was, a popular community of news and boobie voyeurs. One link there reduced Anthony's web server into a smouldering ruin until the images were transferred onto MIT's network and he set up a static html page. Perhaps the term "slashdotted" (the crushing of webservers by sudden and overwhelming interest) should be changed to "farked" ;-)

We were stunned by the news coverage, especially from the venerable Nature Magazine, arguably the top scientific journal in the world. Indeed Slashdot ran a second story about this too.

Check Anthony's site for the best results from our community and outstanding additions submitted by other amateurs around the world. It should get updated as new images are processed. Also watch our community science & politics forum Foxcheck, Dan Crotty's site, Michael Lyle's site, Rupert Scammel's site, and Kevin Dawsons Site

The great thing about all of this, is that what we achieved as a group was to increase the public interest in this amazing space mission. A cause that is worthy of great attention. We also expanded our little space enthusiast community greatly as many knowledgeable space enthusiasts have now discovered us.

Currently we are waiting with nervous tension for the next press conference tomorrow morning at 4 AM CST (10 AM GMT) to hear more data and interpretation of the mission from the pro's at ESA/NASA/JPL/ISA/U of A. Rumors are floating around that the radio astronomers may have actually managed to capture all the missing data from the mission including another 350 photos or so (just a rumor). If true, I hope they release them immediately ;-) Could be a another long night!

Thursday, January 13, 2005

Welcome to my blog

This blog will contain random musings that I find interesting.

I am interested in all areas of Science, particularly Chemistry, Biology and Space Science. I am also a founding member and contributor to the community moderated website that is devoted to "News and Opinion of Science, Politics and Technology". So many of my musings here can also be found there. I highly recommend that you visit FoxCheck, join the community and submit articles yourself. Foxcheck also has an rss feed at so you can get the latest stories for browsing in your news reader.