Thursday, February 10, 2005

News Alert: I took a crappy photo of Saturn!

Not much to see here, but had my first night of observing with my new scope the other night and took my first astrophotograph! Of course, it was of Saturn.

I am learning that astrophotography is a demanding hobby and I am very impressed with what others have accomplished and published on the web. None the less, I was quite happy to get an image on my first try using a Canon Powershot G1 in auto mode with a single exposure (lol). The only retouch I did was to level the image in photoshop. Sadly, the image sucks compared with what I could see by eye. Pretty good considering it was eyepiece projection, I was not polar aligned, did not have the right filters, no stacking, no guiding, shooting from a flexible wooden deck, no vibration pads and the scope was wobbling as the image was taken by pushing the shoot button on the camera. I hope to learn enough to get some longer exposure stacks soon, and then move on towards auto guided imaging. So much to learn.

It's a start at the least ;-)


Anonymous said...

It is a terrific start towards your new hobby!
Can you track the comet too...maybe a picture as well?
Keep posting theyre great no matter what because they are your own images from your own telescope..
Why, I didn't even have a telescope when I first started. I had to use toilet roll tubes with cellophane wrapped around one end and a brown pug beer bottle bottem at the other end... when I was starting out...LOL

yuriwho said...


I'll try and get a snap of Macholtz (sp?). Skies have not been good lately though.

Thanks for the encouragement.


Anonymous said...

Well done!
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Anonymous said...

Great work!
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Anonymous said...

Well done! |